ULO Systems attended the Manzil Concert and Graduation Ceremony that was held at the Jumeirah Creekside Hotel and received the prestigious Star Supporters award.
ULO assisted Manzil with the cutting and tailoring of ‘market carry bags’ for their corporate clients, enabling Manzil to earn revenue to be invested into the programme. We also volunteered at their jewellery display and sales at Qanat Al Qasba Arts and Crafts market.
Whenever Mazil’s sewing machines require maintenance or if our services were required, we allocate our tailoring mechanics to service their machines free of charge.
ULO has now begun the work of taking in orders for cutting and tailoring various sized pouches for laptops, mobiles and tablets for the benefit of Manzil’ s clients in the mobile sector. We have tailored over 3,000 pieces of various sizes.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility
At ULO Systems, we look beyond relationships of business and financial capitalism. We have built our relationships on trust and understanding the needs of what our customers need, ensuring we provide them with superior quality, reliability and service.
Our model of ‘self-contribution’ to society is another role we have inculcated in the company. We give selflessly without gain.
Tangible Successful CSR Projects Manzil was the perfect volunteering opportunity. We began supporting the initiative in 2017 and our support is ongoing.
We were able to help the people of determinaton through our generous donations from everyone at ULO Systems, who gave with a smile and willingly.
We selected Manzil as it enabled us to reach out to orphans with special needs and work with them. It was with such great enthusiasm, happiness and joy that we met and mingled with the centre’s determined and talented students.